Heart of Gold

My heart is bleeding, her mind is searching,

In search of something that might not be.

Love does not know compromises,

walks a line that goes straight ahead.

the road of search is born to be dead.


The heart stops bleeding, the search is old

For this is now a heart of gold.

A golden heart with brightness and shine

But cold inside, this heart is mine.


The shine will disappear in time

All loving feelings will be gone

Soul without love is an illusion

When everything is said and done


My golden heart, you rest assure

Once shiny and bright, full of love and pure,

Will turn to stone when you are gone

When all for you is said and done

                                                                                   Joachim Stiller


I am not with you to share with you this closure

I am not with you to share the burden of your pain

I am not with you to offer you my shoulder

I am not with you because my love was in vain


But if you close your eyes my love

And feel me close, your breath against mine

I will be with you for a minute

And you for a brief moment will be fine

For I am sure you feel the comfort

And the ease of pain that this will bring

Whispering in your ear

That heart of yours was once called mine

                                                                                  Joachim Stiller

Love Yourself

You will love again, the stranger who was yourself. 

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart

to itself, to the stranger who has loved you 

all your life, whom you ignored 

for another, who knows you by heart.

                                                                                        Joachim Stiller

Dear One Absent This Long While

I expect you

I thought one night it was you

At the base of the drive, you at the foot of the stairs

You in a shiver of light,

But each time leaves in wind revealed themselves

The retreating shadow of a dog, daybreak

We expect you, cat and I, bluebirds and I, the stove.

                                                                                  Lisa Olstein

Deceptive Lover

I asked them to,

So the angels blew

The day he came

Their breath by fearful storm and wind

Upon us and upon this land

But after three days nature calmed down

To show its approval that he had left town

                                                               Joachim Stiller

Love Senses

I love your lips when they’re wet with wine

And red with a wild desire.

I love your eyes when the lovelight shines

Lit with a passionate fire. 

I love your arms when the warm white flesh

Touches mine in a fond embrace.

I love your hair when the strands enmesh

Your kisses against my face.


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